A downloadable epik game for Windows


this game has been discontinued, thanks to everyone that followed and supported the project...

What is the game about?                                                              

Colliders is a game where you can spawn whatever the hell you want out of your magical book, and smash it with other things you can spawn in!

How does it work?

At the start of the game you are given a book. This book will have a list of every available item for you to spawn.
If there is an item you believe should be added, please join the discord server and tell us! we are always open for ideas!

Colliders! (Story Mode)                                                                 

What is the difference between story mode and sandbox mode? The story tells you more about the book, and how it came to be. You will face dangerous quests to discover the true origins of the book...

Warning!                                                                                                                                                REMEMBER! this is a beta and is no-where near a fully functional game. the items you can spawn are limited, there are lots of bugs, and there are many things that are no-where near to how we need them to be yet. So if you wanna download when the full-version is released, please join the discord server. But if you wish, you can still play the game now, its in a somewhat functional stage and is a bit of fun doing random stuff and pushing objects around :D

Where can I find out more about the game?

Join the official colliders server


Colliders!.zip 42 MB

Install instructions

Simply download the .zip file, right click it and extract. After extracted run the .exe file and your good to go :>

Remember: Always run the .exe file in the folder with the other files, do not take any of the files out of the folder or the game wont run. You can however pin the .exe file to your taskbar and when opened it will work like normal.